How Long is the Fuel Stored?

How Long is the Fuel Stored?

Shakespeare once wrote: “Nothing lasts forever”. Except that his sonnet was about love. But the poet was right – everything in this world has an expiration date. And fuel is no exception.

As you know, petroleum is organic waste, even though it is very old. And, as you know, every “food” has its own consumer, and petroleum is no exception. For example, fungi of the Penicillium genus feed on paraffin, releasing water and carbon dioxide, which significantly reduces the shelf life of diesel. Bacteria of the benzene family oxidize benzene, xylene and toluene. Therefore, clean fuel can be contaminated by both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. And to avoid this happening, fuel producers introduce additives – biocides, fungicides.

It is also worth noting that fuel oxidizes in the air. And this happens even without the participation of bacteria. For a few months the fuel will retain all its properties, but over time it will start to lose them. At standard gas stations there is no such problem – the fuel flows from the tank truck to the car tank in the shortest time. But when it comes to the long-term storage of petroleum products, it is done without access to air. However, even in this case additives (antioxidants) are used.

Some metals and alloys, such as copper, zinc, etc., also damage the fuel. This problem is also actively fought with additives – metal deactivators.

INTERESTING FACT: GOST does not prescript metal-containing additives, other than antistatic additives, to be added to diesel fuel.

They affect the shelf life of fuel and petroleum product residues that accumulate in the tanks, so gas stations should regularly clean all the tanks that hold gasoline and diesel.

Temperature is another factor that affects the shelf life. Heat causes the fuel to decompose faster.

So how long is the fuel stored?

Approximately one year. But much depends on the factors listed above. If, for example, any of the points are violated, then gasoline and diesel can be stored for no more than 3-4 months, after which the decomposition process will begin.

And let us answer just one more interesting question – how long is diesel stored in a plastic canister? Many drivers store gasoline or diesel in garages in plastic bottles and canisters for their own needs.

If the canister is intended for gasoline or diesel, then, if all the rules are observed, the fuel can be stored for years. If, for instance, you use the container after the fuel or oil, it is possible that after a while the container will simply crack.

An equally popular question is how long is gasoline stored in a car’s tank? Some car owners use their vehicle only from spring to fall. In the winter, the car is usually parked in the garage. Quality gasoline will not evaporate, dissolve or leak out of your tank. It will survive for several months.

You can always buy wholesale gasoline or diesel from us. Our company supplies only high-quality certified fuel. If necessary, we will show you all the quality certificates.